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Ayurveda for Women

From puberty to menopause

Image by Chris Jarvis

About the course

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Embark on a transformative journey through the stages of a woman's life with Ayurveda as your guiding light. This comprehensive two-hour class is designed to empower women with the knowledge and tools to navigate each stage of their journey with vitality, balance, and grace.



Explore the onset of womanhood with Ayurvedic insights tailored to guide young women through the transformative phase of puberty. Learn how to prepare both physically and emotionally for the changes ahead, drawing on ancient wisdom to foster resilience and well-being during this pivotal stage of life.


Menstrual Health:

Delve into the intricate rhythms of the menstrual cycle and discover Ayurvedic principles for nurturing optimal menstrual health. Gain practical knowledge of menstrual routines, including essential do's and don'ts, to promote balance and vitality during menstruation. Explore holistic approaches to address common challenges such as painful periods, irregular cycles, and heavy bleeding.


Preconception, Conception, and Pregnancy:

Navigate the journey to motherhood with Ayurvedic wisdom as your guide. Explore holistic approaches to optimize fertility, enhance reproductive health, and support a healthy pregnancy journey. Learn about Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle practices to nurture both mother and baby throughout the phases of preconception, conception, and pregnancy.



Embrace the natural transition of menopause with Ayurvedic practices that promote hormonal balance, vitality, and well-being. Discover holistic strategies to manage symptoms and navigate this transformative phase of life with confidence and grace.


Throughout the class, interactive discussions, practical tips, and holistic approaches will empower you to embrace each stage of your journey with resilience, vitality, and ease. Join us as we unlock the transformative power of Ayurveda, empowering you to navigate life's stages with optimal health and well-being.

Teacher bio:

Kshamta Shukla grew up with the principles of Ayurveda & yoga since childhood and has over 7 years of professional experience in the field. 


She obtained a Diploma in Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle at Ayurveda Pura, London.  She is a registered & qualified wellbeing Ayurvedic Practitioner.


Presently, she holds a position of a faculty member at Tapovan, Open university of yoga & ayurveda based in Paris, France where she teaches ayurvedic dietetics, holistic lifestyle and women’s health. She has also founded a holistic and conscious beauty brand called ‘The Ayurvedic Mum’ with eco-conscious skincare & haircare products and has/is launching launched online programs on menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and menopause.

What do our students think?

S. Anadkat

I like this course  for it's the sheer simplicity. You get to learn about how food works for your body and how could you maintain a balance between what you eat and what your body actually needs.
I Recommend this course to anyone who wants to know about how your body works as per Ayurveda and how one can best use the knowledge to stay healthy.

J. Soni

Easy to follow. Informative without being too heavy. Gives a good introduction to Ayurveda. A concise and well presented course.

D. Lakeland

I was completely new to ayurveda but now I understand all the fundamentals. I  highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to understand ayurveda and trying to get into it.

Course Information

Avanti Fields School, Colin Grundy Drive, Leicester, LE5 1FY

Sunday 19th May


10am - 12.15pm

Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature – ‘to love and honour who we are’, not as what people think or tell us, ‘who we should be’.”

Prana Gogia

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